
Fishy Tastings – Fischi tries Közde Döner

Cover Image for Fishy Tastings – Fischi tries Közde Döner

Welcome to Fishy Tastings. A food23 spin-off where our friend Fischi strolls around Vienna and tastes streetfood.

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For this episode we are visiting Vienna’s 10th district. This ist Ferhat territory (a well known kebap place), Fischi tells us.

But there is a new kid on the block: Közde Döner. And we heard: Közde = the best. So today we’ll see if that’s true.

The facts:

What: Közde Döner

Where: Erlachgasse 79 1100 Vienna

What we ordered: cald kebap, calf durum and some vegetarian ezmé salad. Also, Ayran is a must. That’s how we roll.

Price: 5,5€ and 6,5€. Not cheap, but that’s what you pay for filet-sandwiches.

Watch the clip for our Evaluation.

For now let's just quote our friend Fischi:

"Közde threw their hat into the ring. And did a fantastic job."

Go watch the clip for the whole tasting experience:

You abolutely have to check Közde out. And tell us what you think!

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